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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

26th Aug, 2022 08:00


28th Aug, 2022 17:00

Event Description:

First time after 3 years of pandemic covid 19, we could come back to have another intensive Offline Training Inside Flow. 

We will start with 25 hours BASIC LEVEL INSIDE FLOW training with 3 days intensive course from 8AM  - 18 PM the first 2 days and 9AM - 16 PM on the 3rd day with Inside Flow concert.

Participants will learn :

1. Basic principle of Inside Flow

2. Yoga Anatomy & Bio mechanic of Inside Flow Asanas for practicing in safety ways

3. Basic Vinyasa transitions with different gravitational movements and themes

4. Unity of Breath, Music and Movements

5. Six basic Inside Flow sequences 


Event Link:
Event Type (Offline/Online):
Martasya Yoga Academy
Bogor Baru blok b6 no. 5
Jawa Barat (Djawa Barat)
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