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Inside Flow - 2024-11-29

Class Information
Class Title:
Class Date / Time:

29th Nov, 2024 6:00PM


29th Nov, 2024 7:00PM

Class Description:

Music drives the Inside Flow Yoga classes and frames the whole sequence. During the Inside Flow class, you gently move from one posture to another carried by the music, bringing you into a trance-like, almost meditative state. Movement and breath are ONE. You can’t synchronize them because they come already together. You can only enhance your breath. When we practice, the key idea is the actual movement BETWEEN the postures, not the posture itself. The important thing is how you get to the posture.

In Inside Flow, you are singing a song with your body. Every language has its benefits and your challenge is to find your own. Some people relax with punk rock and some with classical music. Your choice of music defines you and your practice. Inside Flow has different sequences with slow, fast, upbeat, relaxing songs starting from Hip Hop to pop music. It’s wonderfully amusing and heartwarming. It is an evolution of Vinyasa Yoga!

Class Type (Offline/Online):
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