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  •   martasyayoga reacted to this post about 3 years ago
    saskia_admin created a new event

    Inside Flow @ YUNION YOGA FESTIVAL in Bad Hofgastein, Austria

    Yunion Festival was founded by Hie Kim and Anna Herz as a project of their hearts.

    There will be several Yoga classes per day – 80 workshops in 7 days – that can be participated in with a diverse line-up of yoga teachers like Young Ho Kim, Lulu Soul, Maura Pianaro and more teachers from other yo...

    Yunion Festival was founded by Hie Kim and Anna Herz as a project of their hearts.

    There will be several Yoga classes per day – 80 workshops in 7 days – that can be participated in with a diverse line-up of yoga teachers like Young Ho Kim, Lulu Soul, Maura Pianaro and more teachers from other yoga styles.

    This year, there will also be English classes in the program! 

    There will be a Sunset Get-together daily with DJ sessions and live concert as well. 

    29th Aug, 2022 08:00 - 4th Sep, 2022 16:00 - Europe/Vienna
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