This Flow is the "next level" from six flows introduced to the Trainees to give understanding of advance transitions with low to high and high to low transitional movements incorporate with strength asanas like arm balance and handstand.
This Flow is the "next level" from six flows introduced to the Trainees to give understanding of advance transitions with low to high and high to low transitional movements incorporate with strength asanas like arm balance and handstand.
Understanding different themes of Inside Flow practices such as mobility and flexibility, balance, open heart and strength are required in the basic level training before trainees level up themselves into the Level 1 and Level 2.
During basic level training, trainees must attend at least 2 times weekly practices online or offline with Martasya Yoga or any available Inside FlowTeachers in order they can continue to the next level.
The final exam in the first 30 TRC Basic Level is that every Trainee must be able to move and flow on beat.
Inside Flow Sequence "NEXT LEVEL" Song by 7 Kingz , Flow created by Tasya Dante