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  •   saskia_admin reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    sherrimeyersyoga created a new event

    Inside Flow 2 Day Master Class With Rebecca Ramussen & Sherri Meyers

    Inside Flow 2 Day Master Class With Rebecca Ramussen & Sherri Meyers 
    Saturday 2/25 4:00-6:00 pmSunday 2/26 2:00-4:00 pm 
    2 Inside Flow Master Classes
    2 Unique Flows per day

    In Inside Flow, we learn to continuously move through each posture as we connect to the music, utilizing breath, rhythm, and...

    Inside Flow 2 Day Master Class With Rebecca Ramussen & Sherri Meyers 
    Saturday 2/25 4:00-6:00 pmSunday 2/26 2:00-4:00 pm 
    2 Inside Flow Master Classes
    2 Unique Flows per day

    In Inside Flow, we learn to continuously move through each posture as we connect to the music, utilizing breath, rhythm, and flow. ✨

    This exclusive two-day workshop is going to be amazing. You won't want to miss it!

    25th Feb, 2023 - 26th Feb, 2023 - UTC
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