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Inside Flow is a revolutionary vinyasa flow practice founded by Young Ho Kim. Right now it is the fastest growing Yogast...

Inside Flow is a revolutionary vinyasa flow practice founded by Young Ho Kim. Right now it is the fastest growing Yogastyle in the world. If you’re already a yoga teacher looking out for something really special,  or a passionate Inside Flow lover and you feel the call  to share this unique Yogastyle with the world. 

This training is exactly what you need.

The training covers detailed lessons on the key areas of Inside Flow including theory, practice, music, teaching, sequencing, and how to create Inside Flows.

Each Class is designed to flow with eclectic modern music, with the grand finale of the class being a perfectly sequenced flow to a special song. Based on the yogic philosophy SPANDA – the pulsation of nature – we embody the Spanda with our breath and our movement.


Be part of magic Moments and grow as person and as a teacher. 


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