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Senior Teacher 833 TRC (Training Credits)
Profile Information
Martasya Yoga
Training Credits:
833 Points
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About me:
Martin Elianto and Tasya Dante (MarTasya Yoga) are yogi couple from Indonesia and have founded Martasya Yoga Academy since 2018 based in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Martasya have been graduated from INSIDE YOGA ACADEMY FRANKFURT GERMANY in December 2016.
We have been teaching in the studio and spreading all over Indonesia since early 2017 and conducted many workshops and teacher trainings offline and online in South East Asia. Martasya Yoga has been appointed as Senior Teacher Inside Flow South East Asia since 2019.
Martasya Yoga has been cooperating with TINT ACADEMY since 2020 to conduct 100 hours Teacher Training program, which consist of Basic, Level 1 and Level 2 training in conjuction with 10 Hours Inside Flow Academy TINT YOGA to build up high quality Inside Flow Teachers in South East Asia as one of the fast growing Inside Flow Community in Asia.
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