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Your Questions, Our Answers

We gathered your most frequently asked questions and answered them. If you still not find what you are looking for, check the Help Center or write us at support@insideflow.com
Why do I need an account here?

First of all, there are a lot of things you can do without an account like look for events and trainings, get to know Inside Flow and more.

But if you want more you will need to sign up (don't worry, the Flow Lover account is for free). With a free account you have your own profile, you can write messages, get access to some of the videos, music and be an active part of the community. And you can start collecting TRC (Training Credits).

Especially for those who are an Inside Flow teacher, the higher levels bring a lot of new benefits and things you are allowed to do. For example, access all video and music material, as well as join special groups and post your events and classes.

For everyone wanting to teach Inside Flow, an official Inside Flow Teacher account with an active license is mandatory.

You can find more information about the different levels and benefits here: Levels & Benefits