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Junior Teacher 329 TRC (Training Credits)
  • Junior Teacher
  • 329 TRC

  • Joined 4 years ago
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  •   sabine commented on this post about 3 months ago
    ano_ayunobel uploaded a new video
    OOpss - Little Mix feat Charlie Puth. Sequence created by Juniort Teacher @ano_ayunobel and @susan.yohanes Approved @martasya yoga

    Do you have any oops moment in your life?

    We are proud to say that we have tremendous and magical Oops moment with Inside FLow Indhonesia Family.

    This video is taken at Semarang Central Java where during Senior and Junior Teacher Concert. And...

    Do you have any oops moment in your life?

    We are proud to say that we have tremendous and magical Oops moment with Inside FLow Indhonesia Family.

    This video is taken at Semarang Central Java where during Senior and Junior Teacher Concert. And over 100 participants joining there.

    How proud all of us to be part of this amazing event and see how the community growing in Indoneisa.

    Hopefully we can share this Oops moment too with all of you from all over the world.


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  •   haneunjeong reacted to this post about 8 months ago
    ano_ayunobel uploaded a new video
    LEFT & RIGHT - JUNGKOOK, Charlie Puth Approved by @martasya

    This is my choreo with another style from me. And i get aprroved from @martasyayoga (Senior Teacher Indonesia) on July, 2022.

    I try to challange my self to created happy and cheerful types of music.

    Left and Right story about the process of...

    This is my choreo with another style from me. And i get aprroved from @martasyayoga (Senior Teacher Indonesia) on July, 2022.

    I try to challange my self to created happy and cheerful types of music.

    Left and Right story about the process of self-development. But make up your mind to continue in a direction thats the goals.

    Don't take everything / everyone for granted.

    We never know when the present moment turn into memories in your life.


    This videos take in event INSIDE FLOW with theme "Love Self is The Beautiful Love" in Semarang CIty, Central Java, Indonesia

    arrange by Sekar Kedaton community.

    Thankyou my soulmate in stage :

    Junior Teacher @verra nabila

    Gold Teacher @de_anik @ika_dani

    and Silver Teacher @vidya

    We Move as One with Inside Flow Lovers in Central Java


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