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Gold Instructor 219 TRC (Training Credits)
  • Gold Instructor
  • 219 TRC

  • Joined 3 years ago
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  •   alla_yoga_balance reacted to this post about 11 months ago
    annykolchina uploaded a new video
    ‘Angels’ Tom Walker approved by Young Ho Kim
    This flow was authorized by Young Ho Kim during the TTCI created this flow on advice of my psychologist to work out a fear that got stuck in me and in many situations doesn’t let me to move forward. The fear in itself is not bad, it’s a natural...
    This flow was authorized by Young Ho Kim during the TTCI created this flow on advice of my psychologist to work out a fear that got stuck in me and in many situations doesn’t let me to move forward. The fear in itself is not bad, it’s a natural reaction to dangerous situations. But very often we get paralyzed by this emotion and don’t act, don’t go into something new and deprive ourselves of opportunities because we are scared. This flow is a good instrument to fight this fear. The lyrics say: ‘there must be angels guiding your way’ 
    so my message is ‘don’t give up , don’t be afraid and move forward’ . If your intentions are good - the universe, angels or.. whatever you name it will support you. I found this song whose lyrics touched my heart deeply and resonated with me. Young Ho helped to create the flow whose sequence perfectly supports the energy of music and the lyrics. 
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