Inside Flow Community Special Class - YOU SAY with Martasya Yoga
Celebrate the Easter 2024, Martasya Yoga has held a special master class offline at Martasya Yoga Studio in Bogor Indonesia and online via ZOOM with participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan.
The Flow "YOU SAY" Song by Lauren Daigle and created by Martin Elianto, Senior Teacher Inside Flow Indonesia. The song tells about finding one's identity and worth in God's love and acceptance, rather than in the opinions and expectations of others. The Lyrics express the struggle of feeling inadequate and unworthy, but ultimately finding hope and confidence in the truth of God's love and affirmation. It's powerful message of self-worth and finding strength in faith.
This Flow is dedicated for all people around the world for special forgiveness to the community. We have done many mistakes in our life and might hurt many people with words and deeds that make our relationship broken. Let's fix our relationship and grow together as community.
Happy Easter, God Bless You all.
tatyanaevtyuhova ❤️❤️❤️
i love you both my teacherrrrrrr ..
angelaawijaya miss you