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Open your heart Workshop & Inside Flow Class
Backbends, or heart openers, are among the favorite asanas of many yogis and yoginis. Whether in flow or static, opening the front of your body can not only have a positive effect on your posture but also on your mood. When you find the optimal alignment for your body (what feels good doesn't necessarily look "good" 😉), it creates a unique feeling of freedom and offers you the opportunity to open up to yourself and others. In this workshop we will look at the anatomy of the spine and the alignment of various backbends. You will find out how to optimally prepare your body and cultivate both strength and flexibility to go through practice and life with an open heart ❤️
“Open Your Heart” Inside Flow
In this Inside Flow workshop you will take the openness of heart openers into your flow!
With Inside Flow, a choreography with asanas is set up in which every breathing movement leads to a body movement. You will learn to look from the outside in and develop a deep connection to yourself. Ami uses her many years of dance experience and passion for yoga to introduce you to this unique style of yoga. We will laugh, sweat and surpass ourselves together - Inside Flow is a challenge but one that is worth it.
Both for Inside Flow fans and Inside Flow newcomers (general yoga knowledge is important, however).
Hello we are so happy to flow with Barbara Peisl aka Oceanflow
She visit us in Nuremberg and we flow together.
Tension Therapy
Head, Shoulders, Knees and ToesJoin us for a long yoga class in which we will work on balancing out the states of tension. In this workshop you will systematically practice a yoga class that primarily focuses on two fascia lines in the body: the superficial front fascia line and the so-called “deep front line”.
Inside Flow to Yin.
online and offline. We flow to a Level 1 Inside Flow heart open and then we do the best. Yin Poses und chillaxing.
Are you with me?
Inside Flow to Yin
In this class you can flow together with Nicole. We express our emotion with music and at the end a relaxation session awaits you. Register very easily via the website. The class is hybrid and in English.
We Nicki from Graz and I welcome you to this very special event.
Here are the details:
On July 22nd, 2023 you have the opportunity to feel and celebrate your 'flow experience' The wonderful Nicki from Graz, and I cordially invite you to this event. You have the choice to flow with us either on Saturday or Sunday. Or you would like to spend both half days with us.
Part 1 Chakra Healing Flow Saturday from 3pm to 5pm
This flow combines both flowing movements and staying in the asanas. As we move meditatively ON BEAT and thus unite breath and movement, we can absorb ourselves in the moment and be full of admiration and joy for the NOW. Remaining in the asanas gives us the opportunity to engage in affirmations and experience their effects while breathing controlled. And it allows us to focus on aligning body, mind and spirit.
Don't worry, we don't flow a whole two hours, a relaxed arrival and super long :) Shavasana & Meditation awaits you afterwards.
With a cup of tea after the class, we have time for a personal exchange.
wow, I love the pinchapose and I work very hard for this. But... I think, we need a litte more help for this Asana.
So, i invite the one and only PINCHA-Pose Queen Carina from Vinna - fancypantsyoga.
She show us all the alignment, technic skills and adjustments around this Asana.
I hope we see you only in Person in my wonderful studio - LIFE & Yoga.
Move with grace - Inside Flow Special
I´m so happy & grateful, Marion from fancypantsyoga visit me and my little Yogastudio LIFE & Yoga.
Marion is so a wonderful und creative Inside Flow Teacher. She flow with us to the topic:
Join us to this special Event. Only in person.
Inside Flow - Online Class.
So excited to Flow with you online.
This Class is a very special GIFT - from the bottom of my heart.
March 2020 i opend my new Studio LIFE & Yoga-Studio.
The perfect Moment - not really.
I invite you to flow with me. For free <3
Write me an i´ll send you all informations.
See you online
xoxo Nicole