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Gold Instructor 290 TRC (Training Credits)
  •   yoyo76121 reacted to this post about 3 months ago
    devina.arsyadi uploaded a new video
    ‏ — with martasyayoga
    Empty Room - Jamie Miller , sequence by me Approved by Martasya

    This sequence is made by myself and approved by Martasya Yoga. I dedicate this song to my grandma who just passed away last 2 weeks. This song is written by Jamie Miller, he said this is about not being able to say goodbye to his grandma before...

    This sequence is made by myself and approved by Martasya Yoga. I dedicate this song to my grandma who just passed away last 2 weeks. This song is written by Jamie Miller, he said this is about not being able to say goodbye to his grandma before she took her last breath. A lot of things he left unsaid and make a huge empty room in his heart. My grandma lived together with me for 11 years, but these past 1.5 years she moved to another city and live with my uncle. That's why when she took her last breath I couldn't be by her side to say goodbye, to say how I miss her, to hold her hands. The only thing that I could do is wishing her the best up there. I believe she is watching me with a big smile in the cloud.

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