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Junior Teacher 1042 TRC (Training Credits)
  •   yogamaloka reacted to this post about 4 months ago
    mauraexplorer.yoga uploaded a new video
    Choir by Guy Sebastian - Let's celebrate being alive! Flow approved by Martasya

    The name of the song is "Choir" by Guy Sebastian. This song is a heartfelt tribute to a friend who has passed away.

    The lyrics reflect on the memories shared with the friend, the regret of not saying things sooner, and the pain of losing someone...

    The name of the song is "Choir" by Guy Sebastian. This song is a heartfelt tribute to a friend who has passed away.

    The lyrics reflect on the memories shared with the friend, the regret of not saying things sooner, and the pain of losing someone close. This song also carries a message of hope and comfort, imagining the friend in a better place, "singing with a choir" and "dancing with a crew," surrounded by love and not alone.

    This song for me is a reminder that nothing in this life lasts, to live life to the fullest, to follow your dreams, to make the best out of it and to cherish and love the people around, because we never know when they are gone. 

     When flowing to this song, connect with one another, look at each other, dance and sing together. You can clap your hands in Mountain pose, grab each other's hands after the side rainbow and simply point at each other when the artists sings 'you, you you'. 

    Let’s celebrate this moment together, celebrate life and celebrate being alive. 



    Inside Flow approved by Martasya. 

    Thank you! 

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